Friday 18 November 2016

Love revolution unfolding..

The last few weeks have been a challenge. The cosmic shift has brought new energies and the casting off of old ways..this is not new, it happens fairly regularly..This...this is next level stuff.

My darling Nana exited the world, my nephew arrived - not wholly unexpected as such is the way of the world, world. 

In the lead up to the super moon, 3 tiny little children in my world were diagnosed with horrific childhood cancers, 2 of them with liver cancer that had spread to other body regions. We are all well aware of the violent earthquakes that shook our dear nation to its core, both physically and metaphorically.

It is vitally important that we all stay grounded, connected deeply with Mother Earth. Connected deeply with who we are on a soul level, and live in our deepest truth. Self-care has NEVER been more important than it is right now. It is time to come together as one people, human beings, and operate out of a place of love. An immense surging of negative, fear based energies are swelling up and crashing over us, like a cresting wave crashing down on a desolate beach.

Be kind to yourself, but check in with your friends, your family, your neighbours, your community.This is not a time for hiding behind closed doors, it is time to reach deep within yourself and make a change, to stand for your truth and let love permeate the world. What is it you stand for? What is it that you want to be remembered for? Let that be the foundation for your future that is unfurling before you..don't be afraid of it, allow it to speak through you and to all of those around you.

Be the change you wish to see in the world, in your community and within your self. You are so important, so desperately needed, and a guiding light. Shine bright beautiful soul.

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Tuesday 28 June 2016

Being a Mama in 2016...

I am a Mama. I am privileged to be able to love and guide my beautiful son through this world, and I love it...most days. The thing is, we are living in a time when we expect others, but most especially ourselves, to be superwoman. We expect that we can be all things to everyone, and it simply is not the case.

Mother's all around the world are breaking because they are guilty, because they feel like they are failing, because they feel like they are not providing the very best opportunities for their children, and because they feel inadequate. We are running ourselves into the ground, and losing ourselves in the process.

It is okay to say I'm not coping, or I need a break. You know what? I bloody applaud you for recognising what you NEED!! You do not need to be perfect, there really is no such thing. Please stop with this perpetuating cycle. You are not only harming yourself, but the very children you are trying to protect. They are darling little sponges who pick up on everything...the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Be realistic about what you can achieve, and be okay with that. If it has to get done tomorrow, so what? Will the Earth stop spinning? Do what has to be done and then give yourself a break. I operate a three column list system..something I was taught way back as a beginning teacher. Column #1, what has to be done. Things that are essential for life, if it's not essential, it's not in this list. This is my list that includes things like having someone pick up my child from school, having dinner etc. Column #2, things I'd like to get done today. Things in this list are maintenance items. For example, things like getting to the gym (important for my mental health, but not life or death), grocery shopping etc. Column #3 is things I'd like to get done but are neither essential or necessary. Things like weeding the garden, cleaning the car etc.

At the end of the day, you only have 24 hours in a day - and hopefully 8 of them are spent in slumber, because Mama needs sleep just as much as the children do. Between all the elements that make up your life, you need to make some time in there to prioritise you. Because every time you choose someone over you, you are telling yourself you are not worthy of time or love. And do you know what? That is the same message you are sending out into the Universe, and exactly what you are attracting back to yourself. If you want to experience something different you need to own it, and change it. Only you have the power to do that.

Spend some time with you. Remember what it is that makes you feel alive, what fires up your soul? Then find a way to include that in your day. For me, I have always processed my feelings through movement - dancing is an expression of me and I can't imagine my life without it in it. Children love to dance with you, to move with you. So even if you can't get out to a class, or have space to jam it up, know that chucking on some child-friendly sounds and having a groove session in the kitchen is more than acceptable!! 

Superwoman is a myth. You do you, and do you big! Mama's are important! I hope you can see the beautiful and glorious beings I see.


Sunday 5 June 2016

I am enough

Hold onto your hats beautiful souls, because this one is super important! This one is being shouted at me as we speak, because it is important for me to hear also...

Dear one, you are enough exactly as you are. The beliefs you hold about being enough when you have a job, being enough when you lose the weight, being enough when you have x number of children, being enough when you find your soul partner/ shake off the ex-partner etc. etc.

Right here, right now, exactly as you are. You are not flawed, you are not wrong, you are not everything you have told yourself leading up to this point that has made you feel small, unworthy, and broken. You are a glorious, magnificent soul who has so many gifts and talents to offer this world, a world that desperately needs you, ALL of you, right now!

How many of you right now can honestly say that you not only accept yourself, but love the shizz out of yourself? And here lies the crux of the issue at hand. It is one thing to love the part of you that you think is socially acceptable, the one you perceive to be of highest importance. But I am here today to tell you that all of you is worthy of love, and deserves it!

Somewhere along the way, life took its toll. Experience taught us that if I behave a certain way, present myself a certain way, that life will be good. Is it? I bet that you have found yourself full of angst, anxiety, and a fair amount of self-loathing if you are anything like me. 

You have to do the work. You and only you, needs to reconnect with all parts of yourself and love the shizz out of them. There may well be tears, anger, rage, regret. But in order to move forward you have to go there. Release the hurt, and let it go. Send it out into the cosmos, and then reflect back the universal love that is waiting for you. 

You are worth it. Once you get to that point, it will then become apparent that this is not a once off. Letting life take over and abandoning yourself again will not be an option. Love yourself, each and every day, bare minimum once a day. Be grateful for you, your strengths and your perceived weaknesses. Everything. Always. In what ever way works for you. For me, it is a practice of gratitude, combined with loving movements - because I have always found my bliss in movement. For you, it could be something entirely different. You do you, honouring, loving and celebrating you.

Go gently dear ones, and love your beautiful selves.

Monday 28 March 2016

Are you listening?

I know..a bit of a confronting title right? But are you? Really? Not to me, though I'm guessing right now that you are, but to yourself, your soul self. Your intuition is your inner guidance, and I'm seeing and hearing a lot of souls at the moment who are deeply disconnected to who they are, never mind what they are doing.

Lady Gaga talks about how she works her way back from exactly this..I highly recommend checking it below.

So...who are you? What do you stand for? And are you paying attention? Signs are all around you - they are in the lyrics of the songs, the words in a story, the meme that you scroll past on Facebook. They are in the repeating numbers you see, the cloud formations, the feathers, the smells..they are literally everywhere. However, if you are not looking, they will pass you by.

The answers are right in front of your face dear one. Ego will muffle your clarity, look past what your ego is telling you. It thinks it is helping you, protecting you..when the reality is that it is hindering you..greatly.

Find your way back to you beautiful soul, and connect inwards. When you do, you'll be better able to see the signs and trust your own intuition. It's like a muscle, the more you flex it - the bigger and stronger it will grow.

Love and light xxx

Thursday 17 March 2016

What's in a word...

Hello beautiful souls! 

This week, someone I know posted an interesting question in a spiritual group I'm in. It had to do with what your definition of freedom is and whether you feel you are free or not. I found this interesting on many levels, because when I asked myself whether I felt free or not - the answer surprised me..because by the definition I have come to know of freedom, theoretically my answer should have been the polar opposite!

So I ask you...are you free? And how do you know this?

For me freedom is bigger than being able to go and do what you want, when you want it. It is bigger than getting out of a situation that is restricting you. It is bigger than just about everything.

The definition I arrived at, had a distinct spiritual feel to it, as after all what is bigger than your soul?! I feel you are free when you acknowledge, accept, and express yourself in your entirety - authentically, 100% purely, you. Because at the end of the day, if you are not acknowledging all of you, loving the shizz out of every aspect, every cell of you...who else is going to? If you are not loving the totality of you, are you truly present to your every experience, living purely, gratefully? I don't know that you can.

Like everything else I've come to know, freedom is a journey. It may feel that freedom comes and goes depending on life experiences. But I feel that if the freedom you are experiencing is not on a soul level, then I don't think this is true freedom. To experience the kind of freedom I am talking about, you don't need to spend the rest of your life in meditation, you don't need to be living alone. You do need to start to believe in your worth, to know that you are here for a reason - a very big one! No one can do you like you! Your particular set of skills and gifts are part of what makes you uniquely you. 

Life is a journey, and so is the experience of soul level freedom. Learn, grow, expand, stretch, and above all love you, all of you.


Friday 4 March 2016

Finding the blessings in everyday

Hello beautiful souls, I am sorry it has been so long between blog posts! Life is an interesting thing, just when you are expecting smooth sailing, the water suddenly becomes very turbulent!

I have hit rather turbulent water as of late.I have a super rare bone condition, where I grow copious amounts of extra bone. The bone growth has got so bad recently that I'm at risk of the bone erupting through the skin in my foot. It is far worse than any of us had come to expect. 

And do you know what? I have had to surrender to the experience. Release control, expectations, and outcomes. Which is much harder than it sounds - particularly as someone who is all these things and more in every aspect of their life!

I have written about gratitude before, but now, more than ever, I realise just how important and significant it is in creating and maintaining a positive mindset.

The thing with surgery, particularly big surgery such as this one, is that it is essential to maintain a positive mindset. Finding joy in the little things, rather than the stress in everything! It is not an easy practice, but one that is fundamental to experiencing a life of joy and happiness.

This week I am grateful for everyone I have in my life, near or far, old or new. Each of you contributes to my life, a life that I am so proud to live. For now my focus is on gratitude and finding out what the learning is in the situation. Being able to retrieve the learning is so important. The learning for me, right now, is about surrendering, letting go, and releasing all that no longer serves me. Refining my life, my experience. Yesterday has gone, and no matter what happened, I take the learning from the situation and send it on with love. It is not easy, it is a process, and I am getting better at it..albeit slowly.

What are you grateful for?

Namaste xo

Wednesday 27 January 2016

Challenges a plenty..

Life is a funny thing...just when you think things are going wonderfully, something comes up, and BOOM! Suddenly it feels like the world as we know it is crumbling down. I've been reading a lot of Gay Hendricks lately, and if you haven't read his book on the Big Leap then you totally should. It's definitely worth a read. He talks about the glass ceiling that we hit - the proverbial thermostat that keeps you living within a certain equilibrium.

Well, I have certainly hit my own glass ceiling this week. One of my challenges, ongoing challenges, is my foot. I have a rather unique ability to grow extra bone, and it has been doing it rather dramatically lately. The upshot is that I am going to need surgery to sort it out. How does this relate I hear you ask? Well, I have always been an exercise fanatic - I love it, it fills me with joy - especially when exercise meets dance. Suddenly I can't dance, leap, jump, lunge or a multitude of movements. Once upon a time I would be feeling sorry for me..hid in the corner and waited until the sun came out again. 

Part of the evolution of life, is being able to adapt to the challenges that come your way, and view them as learning opportunities. So, in view of that, I have adapted. Rather than focusing on what I can't do, I am looking at what I can do. I can do cardio on the cross-trainer, do weights with some slight tweeks. I can swim, and I can do yoga - with modifications. 

I challenge you dear soul, to look at your own life. Where are you hitting your own glass ceiling? What behaviour would that have presented previously? What can you do in the here and now? What can you be grateful for? The sun is truly shining in and through you. Can you feel it?

Namaste xxx

Wednesday 13 January 2016

Welcome 2016..

Image result for 2016

Well hello beautiful souls, it's been a while! We are steadily approaching the half way mark of the very first month of 2016. A nine year. A year of finishing off, tidying up in preparation of...well, anything your heart desires!

For me, this means a focus on health, in all dimensions - emotionally, physically, spiritually, the whole nine yards! I have spent the best part of the last two weeks getting really present to what I want out of 2016 and making a plan on how to get there. Acknowledging all that was in 2015 - the highs, the lows, the inbetweens, and releasing it with love. And now I am ready, to experience the full capacity of life in 2016.

On a more personal note - my physical self needs a bit of assistance from the medical profession. So early 2016 means bone surgery on my foot, which is quite out of control at the moment. Nothing like a challenge, but this too shall pass.

So my question to you is...What do you want from 2016? And what are you doing to make it happen? For example, my mission is to start my day earlier so I can fully honour myself in my day, before the household gets up and rolling. The way I am working towards this, is by each week setting my alarm for 15 minutes earlier, until such time as I have made space for my yoga and meditation practices. Baby steps. Please know dear one, that you don't need to do everything right this very minute, but moving slowly towards your goal IS success. You are moving so much faster than everyone still sitting on the couch, because YOU are moving - in which ever way that presents for you.

Make 2016 count. Honour your spirit, go hard on self-loving yourself baby!!

Namaste xx