Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Finding your way back to you..

How many days in how many ways do you find yourself thinking, feeling, hoping and wishing that you knew deeply who you are? Not as a mother, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend, or what ever label you are choosing to place on yourself today, but as who you are, truly, deeply, at a soul level?

Sometimes we are so busy, paddling furiously to stay afloat, that we don't even notice the invisible bars that have found their way around our glorious beings. That is, until you go to spread your wings...

So many of us, are searching in any and every corner, near and far, for the inner truth that we have long since forgotten about. Do you remember? As a child, not caring what others thought, not caring what you wore, thought or said? YOU could be anything you wanted, and often were many things all at once. My son, right now, thinks that he is going to be a heart surgeon and hulk smash - and doesn't bat an eyelid. He is deeply serious, and deeply passionate about both!

So what can we do about it? How can we make it better? YOU need to make time for YOU. You need to be your own best friend. Spend time with you, doing things that you love to do...and if right now you have absolutely no idea what those things might be, spend some time finding out! Spending time with you..splashing in the waves, watching a sunset, stargazing, painting, dancing..what ever it is, you need to make time for it. And after that? Meditate. Meditate my dear one, once you have developed a practice of meditation - you will learn that you can, and will, connect with your higher self in your meditations. You can ask questions, and receive guidance, but most of all you will gain a sense of serenity in knowing you, the glorious, magnificent being who is reading this right now. 

Don't worry how far away you have come from being connected to you. It is never too late, and you'll never be too far away from working your way back. Your soul team will only ever come to you from a place of pure love. You are loved more than you can possibly imagine, infinitely, completely, truthfully. Know that in your heart, your heart is your connection to self - self love, self worth, self acceptance. All you need is time to spend with you, and peace to listen.

Love and light xxxx

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