Sunday, 5 June 2016

I am enough

Hold onto your hats beautiful souls, because this one is super important! This one is being shouted at me as we speak, because it is important for me to hear also...

Dear one, you are enough exactly as you are. The beliefs you hold about being enough when you have a job, being enough when you lose the weight, being enough when you have x number of children, being enough when you find your soul partner/ shake off the ex-partner etc. etc.

Right here, right now, exactly as you are. You are not flawed, you are not wrong, you are not everything you have told yourself leading up to this point that has made you feel small, unworthy, and broken. You are a glorious, magnificent soul who has so many gifts and talents to offer this world, a world that desperately needs you, ALL of you, right now!

How many of you right now can honestly say that you not only accept yourself, but love the shizz out of yourself? And here lies the crux of the issue at hand. It is one thing to love the part of you that you think is socially acceptable, the one you perceive to be of highest importance. But I am here today to tell you that all of you is worthy of love, and deserves it!

Somewhere along the way, life took its toll. Experience taught us that if I behave a certain way, present myself a certain way, that life will be good. Is it? I bet that you have found yourself full of angst, anxiety, and a fair amount of self-loathing if you are anything like me. 

You have to do the work. You and only you, needs to reconnect with all parts of yourself and love the shizz out of them. There may well be tears, anger, rage, regret. But in order to move forward you have to go there. Release the hurt, and let it go. Send it out into the cosmos, and then reflect back the universal love that is waiting for you. 

You are worth it. Once you get to that point, it will then become apparent that this is not a once off. Letting life take over and abandoning yourself again will not be an option. Love yourself, each and every day, bare minimum once a day. Be grateful for you, your strengths and your perceived weaknesses. Everything. Always. In what ever way works for you. For me, it is a practice of gratitude, combined with loving movements - because I have always found my bliss in movement. For you, it could be something entirely different. You do you, honouring, loving and celebrating you.

Go gently dear ones, and love your beautiful selves.

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