Friday, 4 March 2016

Finding the blessings in everyday

Hello beautiful souls, I am sorry it has been so long between blog posts! Life is an interesting thing, just when you are expecting smooth sailing, the water suddenly becomes very turbulent!

I have hit rather turbulent water as of late.I have a super rare bone condition, where I grow copious amounts of extra bone. The bone growth has got so bad recently that I'm at risk of the bone erupting through the skin in my foot. It is far worse than any of us had come to expect. 

And do you know what? I have had to surrender to the experience. Release control, expectations, and outcomes. Which is much harder than it sounds - particularly as someone who is all these things and more in every aspect of their life!

I have written about gratitude before, but now, more than ever, I realise just how important and significant it is in creating and maintaining a positive mindset.

The thing with surgery, particularly big surgery such as this one, is that it is essential to maintain a positive mindset. Finding joy in the little things, rather than the stress in everything! It is not an easy practice, but one that is fundamental to experiencing a life of joy and happiness.

This week I am grateful for everyone I have in my life, near or far, old or new. Each of you contributes to my life, a life that I am so proud to live. For now my focus is on gratitude and finding out what the learning is in the situation. Being able to retrieve the learning is so important. The learning for me, right now, is about surrendering, letting go, and releasing all that no longer serves me. Refining my life, my experience. Yesterday has gone, and no matter what happened, I take the learning from the situation and send it on with love. It is not easy, it is a process, and I am getting better at it..albeit slowly.

What are you grateful for?

Namaste xo

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