Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Christmas craziness has hit..

Image result for christmas

Two weeks! It's been two weeks! How on earth did that happen!?!! I'm having a wee breather in amongst the craziness of my sewing machine cranking for presents to talk with you about self care.

We've visited self care before, but it's a timely reminder of the absolute necessity for making time for you! You, the train driver. It's all well and good to fuel the passengers, but if you forget about the driver..well, that train isn't going anywhere!

Beautiful souls, this does not need to be a huge, extravagant, timely exercise. Self-care can occur anywhere, for as long as you are able. It can be as simple as closing your eyes and taking three deep, cleansing breaths..not the shallow breathing we are all used to, but full on belly breaths.

If you have slightly longer, it could be walking outside and planting your bare feet on the grass whilst looking up at the sky..clouds during the day, stars and moon at night, whilst having three plus deep belly breaths.

Got longer still? Try a deep soothing bath, complete with candles, a glass of wine, and perhaps some meditation music. You could even turn it into a complete pamper session, with a face mask, body scrub etc.

Here's the thing. Self-care is important. It isn't selfish, it's self preserving. The more you put into yourself, the more you have to give to others.You are not taking away from others, really, you're not.

Don't have a spare second in your day? Then darling, you need to look at your day. Have your lunch outside, instead of in a stuffy staffroom. Walk to work and have your deep breaths on your way. Trying to get baby to sleep - pop them in the buggy and get moving. Doing something, anything for yourself, priority one!

Only getting 3 hours sleep, then aim for 4. Eight hours sleep can seem like a far away dream with young children, but improving things can be as simple as adding an extra hour, an extra minute. You ARE worth it. Believe it. Say it, yes, but you need to believe it at a soul level. When you truly believe it, you will action it, and you will see the difference it makes. You try having it, then suddenly not having it, and notice what happens. You need this. Life is much more than merely surviving. Igniting your own light is imperative. How do you glow? By loving yourself dear one..like you are the most important person in the world, because you are!!!

Love and light xxx

Friday, 4 December 2015

Knowing me, knowing you...

Hello beautiful souls!

This one comes from the angels themselves..I have had this well known ABBA song rampaging through my head all evening - which for me means that there is something my soul team wants to say.

As much as this song is about a break up, the lyrics strongly support the message of knowing who you are so that you can know others too. What do I mean about knowing you? When someone tells you that it is important to know yourself, it can seem like a huge task - especially if you've had a life of putting everyone else before yourself. You might well be the kind of person that has been so giving in relationships, that you have lost all knowledge of who you are, what you like, and what the special things are that make you you! 

And if this is you, you need to know that you are worthy of knowing! You deserve to be recognized and celebrated. You are a miracle, you are magnificent, you matter. 

But how do you go about knowing you if you've lost all knowledge of you I hear you ask? Well dearest one, you need to make time for you. You need to spend time with you, finding out what it is that lights you up inside - is it dancing, learning, spending time outside, star gazing? It may in some ways seem like a process of elimination. But do you know what? Every time you cross something off, you are one step closer to finding you. It is no secret that I am very pro meditation, and when I was truly lost from myself, it was like my guiding light back home. What ever it is that makes your heart sing, your soul light up, those are the very things that you need to prioritize. 

Enough hiding dear one, you are far too important to be hiding. Your gift to this world is unique, no one else can be you more than you. The world needs you. Be you. Love you. Honour you.

With love xxx