Tuesday, 27 October 2015
Making space for you
Some days are very much like system overload..Too many people telling you too many ways for you to be, to do, to have. Some days I'd desperately love to throw my hands up in the air and say..YOU DO IT THEN!! But that would not be in the best interest of my soul, my state of being. Some days the best way to move forward, is to go inward..making space to simply be with the best person you will ever know..YOU!!
Making space to connect to the things that make you happy, that make your soul sing with excitement, feel blissfully content - those are exactly the things you need to put into your day..everyday.
If you are an empath (like me), your day is full of feeling overwhelmed, over stimulated, and over emotional. Every bundle of energy you encounter, takes its toll on you. And before you know it, your self care practices have slipped to the bottom of the priority list, and you are a crumpled, soggy mess, in the deep recesses of your home.
You have to come to the place where you start valuing yourself. Making space for yourself to do and be who you truly are at a soul level. From this space, you can make the connections with your intuition, that will be your guiding light as you move forward in your journey.
Plant your own soul garden, and feed it with love. Your knowing what nurtures your soul, is effectively the plant food - the compost, the water, the beautiful sunlight. You know you best, even if you don't think so right this minute. Be your own soul food, after all, you alone know what you need right now the best.
Love and light xxx
p.s My angels want you to know this... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89wvsthbjWg
You are more precious and loved than you can possibly imagine xxx
Friday, 23 October 2015
This one is rather a personal one. This one needs to be spoken. Depression. It is a insurmountable mountain, a dark shadow that never leaves your side, when you are in it. I've been there, and so have many, many dear souls whom are silently suffering more than you will ever know. Then, suddenly, we are confronted with a phenomenally high suicide rate..or we think it is sudden, but really is it just that people are talking about it more? Talking about, but not really doing anything to help, not knowing where to help.
Tonight, a dear friend of mine tried to take her own life. Because it got that bad. There are many who are reeling at the shock.
So tonight, I would like to talk to you about dis-ease at a soul level. This comes to pass, when we are so disconnected spiritually, that we are looking for a purpose, any purpose in our lives - and struggling to find any. Soul sadness, fear ridden and having no idea where to start to find a real connection back to yourself. It is deep, and dark, and utterly hopeless - or so we think. But do you know what? No matter what is happening in this life, in our human experience, we are never, ever alone.
We all walk this journey with a phenomenal amount of help, if only we will pause and ask for it. We all have a soul team - our own angels, that love and care for us, as long as we let them in. You might ask, why do they let all this bad stuff happen? Angels are governed by free will, your free will. They will only help when you tell them what it is you need. How do we connect to them you ask? Well, that is a whole subject in itself. But all you need to do is talk to them. You might feel crazy when you first start doing this, but the more you talk to them, the more you will hear them, and see their presence in your life.
But if you are one of the dear souls who are struggling right now, what can you do? Well, your first step always is to make sure that you are safe, reach out for support anyway you can. Friends, family, medical professionals, help lines, do what you need to to ensure that you are safe. This is your primary course of action. Anything spiritual related needs to come secondary when in crisis mode.
A lot will be trial and error, some things will work for you, and others will not. But your first port of call needs to be loving and accepting yourself exactly as you are. Every hurdle in your life, has created the magnificent being that you are right now. Your strength, your determination, your ability to love and nurture all those around you - these are there because you have earned them. Chances are though, that you've been so busy being there for everyone else, that you've forgotten who you are, to love and adore every corner, every perfect molecule of yourself....
Meditation is a fantastic way of connecting back with yourself, your true self, your higher self. It is an amazing way of lowering your stress levels, for managing anxiety - but it is also a great way for connecting with your soul team too. There are a million different ways, and different times in your day, where your soul team is communicating with you. And do you know what happens when you ignore these messages, or just get so mad busy that you just don't see them? They get louder and louder, until you get to a point where you have no choice but to listen. So be aware of your surroundings, what do you see, hear, smell, experience..what do you feel in your being? Those little whispers you hear, that feeling in your tummy, they all need to be acknowledged - and the more you acknowledge them the more clearly you will hear, see, feel them.
For me, reiki was also important. It bought my chakras back into alignment, and allowed my energy to flow through my body in a much more balanced way.
Find the things that make you happy, when you acknowledge what these things are, it is much easier to try and fit them into your day, even if it requires a great deal of scheduling to make it happen. Repeat after me..I am important. I am loved. I stand in the power of all that is me. I am light and love, I deserve to experience love and abundance in all aspects of my life. Repeat it often.
The more you can love yourself, truly love yourself, the more ability you will have to honour yourself in the choices you make with your energy and time. You are deserving, you are beautiful, you are you. Please recognise this, and know that everything is temporary and this too shall pass.
Thank you for being here, from my heart to yours
Arohanui xxx
Wednesday, 21 October 2015
Meditation - my basic how to guide
This made me giggle...How many of you experience this whilst meditating, or attempting to meditate? This used to be me too, until I realised it is not so much about stopping the brain from thinking, as it is not reacting to every little thought.
Let me explain...When I meditate, I put myself in a quiet place where I know I won't be distracted. For me, living in a busy household, this is generally in my bedroom, or under a tree in the local park, or at the beach in a quiet nook.. You get the idea. Somewhere where I feel calm, at peace, and undisturbed. Now if you you have very young children, in all likelihood, you'll need to wait until they are sleeping, or someone else is home to monitor the wee people.
Once this has been achieved, I close my eyes and focus on my breath. Generally, it is quite shallow and rapid when I begin, and gradually I work it out until there is a slow, deep, belly breathing rhythm to breath. After this, I imagine my safe place, the place I choose to think of to invoke a deep sense of calmness - for me this has always been a local beach where I grew up, at sunset, sitting on sunbeaten rocks, watching the rise and the fall of the waves.
It is then about not becoming engaged with thoughts as they pop up, as they inevitably will. With practice, I have found that what works best for me, is to put each thought in a little bubble, and watch it drift off in the waves. I can see them, but they don't take hold, and I don't engage with them.
Practice will guide you to what works best for you. My best advice is don't feel you have to sit for long chunks at a time - if you can manage five minutes, fabulous! That's five minutes of peace and serenity in your day that you wouldn't have had otherwise! Build it up as you go - it's a bit like going for a run..when you first start out you can only run to the lamp post, but before you know it, you're running round the block.
Meditation shouldn't be a stress, it is beautiful, peaceful, soul-nuturing time for you, what ever you can manage. There are beautiful guided meditations that you can use as well - just youtube them. Find some peace and serenity in your day, meditation is vitally important.
Namaste xxx
Sunday, 18 October 2015
Let it go..let it go...
How many of you are feeling energetically low at the moment? I know I am. I received a rather timely reminder today, which I would like to explore with you today. As we journey through our life and days, inevitably we come into contact with other people. Our energy binds with theirs, and a chord of connection is formed. Sometimes these are welcomed, for instance, when we are meeting truly significant people in our lives such as soul mates, soul friendships, and family etc. But many times, these chords drain us of our energy, allowing our lower chakras to become activated.
What can we do about this? Well, my favourite thing to do here is firstly to shield myself, to prevent any further chords being created. Secondly, I call on Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael to support me in cutting chords that are not in my highest good. I ask them to lovingly support me in cutting these chords, and release them with love. I always make sure that I follow this up with a protection and cleanse, to make sure that any residual chords are also released.
Rebalancing chakras I find is best done through guided meditation. There are many good ones on youtube, but I really love The Honest Guys work. You can check them out here: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheHonestGuys
Whilst I listen to this, I have a set of chakra balancing crystals that I purchased from my local crystal store, that I place over my chakras. I find this incredibly relaxing, and often drift off to sleep!
Tonight, I will be cutting chords, I wish you much healing love and light if you are doing the same.
Blessings xxx
Friday, 16 October 2015
The importance of protection and cleansing regularly
As sensitive beings, we can be vulnerable to the energies of others. I recently had a very timely reminder of this. Up until recently, I have been part of a spiritual group where I was well looked after, both by the groups kaupapa, and by my own soul team. But I forgot that when we are extra emotional - especially in times of sadness/grief, we are ultra vulnerable to others energies, and, inevitably, psychic attack.
Being a lightworker is a wonderful way to journey through this, and many other lifetimes. It does, however mean that darker souls are drawn to our shining light - and the brighter it becomes (through strengthening gifts etc), the more vulnerable we are. But what can we do? I hear you ask. Well, there are actually a few things you can do for yourself, and for your children too.
It is important that we always shield ourselves - my most preferred method for doing this, is to visualise a beautiful bubble, wrapped around my entire being. I then wrap that in white and pink light, and ask Archangel Michael to wrap his loving wings around my bubble also. Now, bubbling in itself is a good thing, but it is important to remember to clear your energy and re-bubble yourself often. It is said that a bubble should serve you for approximately 12 hours, assuming that you are around gentle energies. It, therefore, is vital that you re-bubble often, when you are around harsh energies.
How do you clear your energy? Well, again, there are various ways that you can do this. My favourite is to do a body scan and just notice what is where. Are there any areas of darkness? Is there any energy that has pooled in your being that you don't want there? I've had this explained to me as the television show, Horders. Have you collected so much 'stuff' during your day that there is no room for you to sit? To reboot? To just chill out in your space? I then like to imagine a spiritual vacuum cleaner coming down from the heavens, sucking out all the negativity, the energy that I have acquired over the course of the day, and replacing beautiful clear, light energy in its place.
Once this is done, I like to call on Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael, to help me to cut chords that may have formed over the course of the day - that may well be still 'feeding' on my energy. Crystals can assist with this too, some of my favourites for grounding and protection are black obsidian, black tourmaline, rose quartz, amethyst and clear quartz.
When you are protecting your small children, you can work through all of this on behalf of them. As they get older, children respond really well to putting on their own bubble, and choosing what colours they are going to wrap around their bubble. Having crystals nearby can also help. Remember always, that we are at our most vulnerable when we are asleep - so bubbling whilst you are sleeping, is just, if not more important than when you are awake!
Always remember it is important to do protection first - being defensive is your best offensive. If negative energy does find its way to you, always send it back with love. Like attracts like, so if you send it on back with love, only love should find you. It is the universal law of attraction.
With love and light xxx
Thursday, 15 October 2015
Positivity and experience
With all the planetary changes at the moment, as well as changes in my world at the moment, there is a real need to put out positive energy. What we put our energy into; be that with deliberate thought, or background self-talk - these are the things that we attract into our lives. Subjecting ourselves to constant stress and worry, then means that the very things we are stressing and worrying about become what we experience! I know, frustration central, right?!!
There needs to be a conscious, deliberate choice to only have positive thoughts, and then you will be welcoming into your life wonderful, abundant experiences. What you put out, you attract, so you want to be pretty sure that you are attracting what you want!
Wishing you all much positivity, abundance and happiness - may we start a wave of positive energy and light around our glorious Mother Earth!
Love and light xxx
Wednesday, 14 October 2015
Welcome, haere mai, come one, come all!
This is the beginning of a new journey..I have been given the proverbial kick up the backside, so this is the beginning of my endeavour to go it alone..to test all that I have learned, and dared to dream.
By way of introduction, my spiritual journey kicked into high gear about 18 months ago, at the time my soul sister, my best friend, lost her fight against a persistent brain cancer. It wasn't long after this that I started hearing her talking back to me if I asked her a question. Now, having long ago shut off from anything of a spiritual nature, this was a complete shock! A good friend of mine, who had also recently begun to elevate her spiritual experience, suggested a couple of crystals and pointed me in the direction of the beautiful and extremely talented Marnie McDermott. It was on my second visit with Marnie, that I met my soul team and began seeing angels everywhere. From there, I joined a couple of spiritual groups on Facebook, which lead me to a lady by the name of Kitrina Aubrey, who literally changed my life. She provided me with a safe place to stretch my wings, and try readings and feedback. She had faith in me, when I literally had none in myself.
And here we are today..I am still crystal mad, a magpie forever more. I am an indigo, an empath, clairsentient and clairaudient. I have the ability to connect with my soul team, and your's to bring through the messages your soul team have for you with love and grace.
This is a place for me to cultivate my unique gifts, to strengthen and grow. It is also a place that will allow me to share these with the world. It is time. It is time for me to venture forth, and stand with the strength of a mountain, solid and grounded. My wairua is steering this journey, I look forward with excitement to where it will go...and I hope you will join me too.
With love and light,
Claire xxx
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